You Made That Outta What? A Semi-Comprehensive Guide to Fabric – Part 2 Toile

  Welcome back! Thanks for following the series. To be honest, I’ve learned a lot just in my research. I really thought I had a handle on fabric weave, type and design. Apparently I was mistaken! Last time, we (including me) learned about Dupioni Silk, a beautiful high end silk from India often used in formal wear such as wedding attire. We’re going to switch gears and go the opposite direction and dive into the world of Toile. And no, it’s not pronounced like foil or even close to that. Although, please don’t feel ignorant if you did. Potato/Patahtoe I…

You Made That Outta What?! A Semi-Comprehensive Guide to Fabric – Part 1 Dupioni Silk

I work in the fabric industry and am an upholsterer by trade. Yet I still need a refresher, even a crash course on fabric nomenclature (That’s your big word for the week meaning the science of naming things. You know, what Adam’s job was in the Garden?). You’ll notice that we use proper names for each of our fabrics. But you might not know a chintz from a chenille, or the slight difference between a jacquard and a brocade. And that’s okay! We’re here to educate you. By knowing the specific features of a given fabric, you can make an…

Matchy-Schmatchy…How to Match Patterns Without Being Wacky-Tacky!

You know what they say, everything old is new again. But let’s be honest, some things are better off kept in the past. Remember the 60’s and early 70’s (maybe you can’t “remember” it), pattern on pattern was groovin’ baby. Bold colors, overstated lines and shapes, psychedelic, groovy, Peter Max to the max! The effect was over the top. We embraced the look, but today’s approach to interior design takes a more refined thinking regarding how color, pattern, even texture work together to create an appealing, not mind blowing room vista. I’m fascinated by blending patterns and textures. My look…

Want to Love Your Sewing Machine Again? Be KIND To It!

  Your machine is your best friend, your companion on late night binges, and your go-to when you’re craving something new to wear or want to amp up a tired couch. Ever feel that your machine is out to get you though? Maybe it’s needing you to just be KIND and give it a KISS, a Keep It Simple Strategy for daily maintenance. With a four little tips, you’ll be loving your machine once again!

Velcro Is Your Friend… Using Velcro to Clean Up Loose Threads

If there were such a thing as the Griswold Family Sewing Room, I’m certain this monstrosity would be there. Yes, it’s a Velcro knot. And no, this will NOT be a tutorial on how to unknot it. I have no magic solution. There is none. You’ll have to fight this Leviathan on your own pardner. So cowgirl up. No. This was an inspiration because once I conquered the beast, I was rewarded with all the loose threads on the floor embedded in the hook side. And it got me thinking…

No-Slip Sheet Tutorial or How to NOT Get Your Sheets in a Bind

I am a quiet sleeper. My husband, on the other hand, slumbers like a tsunami, wave after wave rolling in wreaking havoc on my territory in spite of a king sized bed. He takes up 35% of it. Of course, then there are the dogs who take up the other 60% leaving me with a sparse 5%. I wish this were my family… This isn’t my family, but it’s not too far fetched. Short sheets are the bane of my existence. They are also a nightly occurrence. I don’t understand how anyone can sleep that way. It’s like a mosquito…

Help! My Sewing Machine Won’t Work! Top 5 Sewing Machine Complaints and How to Fix Them

Let’s face it. Your sewing machine is your best friend…when it’s working or sitting in the cabinet. But true to Murphy’s Law, the minute you want to finish or even start a project, it’s inevitable that something will go wrong. Nine times out of ten, it’s just a simple thing. It’s unlikely you’ll experience a major shutdown (except me, of course, when I’m on a deadline…). While most of these time stealers are quick fixes, they can come with a hassle factor of 10+, enough to bring your progress to a grinding halt if you aren’t equipped with some basic…

Amazing Outdoor Cushion Makeover (Part 1 of 2)

Project: Outdoor Cushion Makeover Part 1 of 2 Difficulty Level: Moderate (Some basic sewing experience necessary) You’ve seen them on the curb. You’ve probably got a set in your garage covered in bugs, grime, the lawn furniture. They’re serving no purpose and you’d trash them were it not for the pile on top and the spiders underneath. I hear you. Toss them! Spend a couple hundred on a new set, right? Frankly, they’d be better used for the dog’s bed (of course, that’s not such a bad idea).  Don’t ditch those cushions! I know, DIY can be a lot of work.…