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Thank you for your interest in sharing your custom project with Best Fabric Store! Each gallery listing that is added here is also automatically included on the specified product pages! So be sure to list each of our fabrics you used so that your project will be included on all available product pages.

NOTE: Best Fabric Store may use select photos for display and marketing purposes!

Project details

Upload File
Max file size 600kb. *File name must contain only letters or numbers.
Enter the product CODE of the fabric you used here. If more than one product was used, separate each code with a comma (NO SPACES!). *You can use the "look up" feature to search and select the fabric(s) you used. You may search and select as many times as needed until all codes are listed (do not use commas when utilizing the "look up" feature - they will be included automatically).

VERIFY YOUR INFORMATION! Once you have successfully submitted your listing, it will be sent to us for review before being included in our gallery. *You will not be able to edit your listing after it has been submitted.
