Share and share alike

Hi everyone!

If you’re an Internet savvy shopper and you find yourself pretty connected via social media, you’ll find lots of ways to share your favorite Warehouse Fabrics Inc. products with friends.

Go to any of our product pages — here’s Rowland Silver, just for example — and you’ll see that with a simple click you can share that product on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, or you can even email friends about it.

Our latest option is a way to comment on a product via Facebook that both shares with your friends on Facebook AND posts to our website so other shoppers can see it. This is a wonderful way to share your feelings about a product with other people — whether it’s just a lovely fabric you’re daydreaming about or a more detailed review of a product you have used. Isn’t it great to see what other sewers think of a fabric before you buy?

We encourage you to give this feature a whirl. Simply open a product page and click the “comments” tab underneath the photo. It’s pretty self-explanatory from there! If you could test it out for us and offer feedback, we’d be much obliged.